Lacak Selebriti Lewat Aplikasi JustSpotted

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SAN FRANCISCO – Pengembang aplikasi Scoopler memberikan ‘hadiah’ untuk para penggila selebriti melalui JustSpotted, sebuah aplikasi yang bisa memberikan informasi kepada pengguna ponsel cerdas setiap kali seorang selebriti berada di dekat mereka.
“Tidak ada aplikasi lain yang bisa memberikan anda informasi real-time seperti halnya JustSpotted dengan ribuan ‘penampakan’ di situs kami setiap hari,” ucap AJ Asver selaku co-founder Scoopler bangga.
“Jika anda berada di daerah metropolitan, anda akan sangat terkejut melihat betapa dekatnya anda dengan dunia selebriti,” imbuh Asver sebagaimana dikutip AFP, Minggu (10/4/2011).
Saat ini aplikasi JustSpotted baru bisa dinikmati oleh pengguna ponsel berbasis Android dan sudah bisa diunduh di Android Market. Sedangkan versi untuk iPhone masih menunggu proses persetujuan Apple. Namun Scoopler mensinyalir aplikasi ini sudah tersedia di App Store akhir April mendatang.
Situs sendiri diluncurkan Oktober 2010 lalu dan menampilkan peta online yang menampilkan keberadaan selebriti berdasarkan update dari Facebook dan Twitter. Selain itu, anggota JustSpotted pun bisa memberikan informasi tentang keberadaan selebriti.
Meski mendapat kritik karena dianggap bisa membahayakan keselamatan selebriti yang terekspos, Asver mengklaim layanan ini juga memperhatikan kebutuhan artis tersebut. Selain itu, selebriti juga bisa bekerja sama dengan mereka untuk memanfaatkan layanan JustSpotted sebagai media promosi atau untuk menyampaikan pesan.
“Sejauh ini kami belum menerima keluhan apapun dari para selebriti. Bahkan kami didatangi oleh beberapa orang yang ingin mempromosikan film mereka,” tutup Asver.

Pria Temukan Hiu Purba di Pertambangan

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Hiu jenis Edestus (gambar: Wikipedia)

Hiu jenis Edestus (gambar: Wikipedia)

LEXINGTON – Seorang penambang menemukan sebuah fosil tulang rahang hiu purba dalam sebuah tambang di Kentucky tengah. Fosil tersebut akan dipamerkan di University of Kentucky.

Fosil tersebut ditemukan di Webster County, Kentucky, oleh penambang usia 25 tahun bernama Jay Wright yang bekerja dalam tambang sedalam 210 meter. Demikian seperti yang dikutip dari The Straits Times, Minggu (10/4/2011).

Fosil tulang rahang berusia 300 juta tahun tersebut dipercaya berasal dari seekor hiu purba jenis Edestus yang dahulu berenang di laut, yang kini wilayahnya menjadi daerah Kentucky.

“Ya ampun, apakah ini?” ungkap Wright, ketika pertama kali menemukan fosil tersebut.

Jerry Weisenfluh, Associate Director dari Kentucky Geological Survey di Lexington, Kentucky, mengatakan bahwa temuan fosil dengan ukuran besar adalah cukup jarang. Fosil tersebut kini sedang dipamerkan di gedung Mines and Minerals, Inggris.

Asia Mulai Fokus ke Program Luar Angkasa

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Gambar: NY times

Gambar: NY times

BEIJING – 50 tahun semenjak penerbangan pertama manusia ke luar angkasa, negara-negara di Asia seperti China, Jepang dan India sudah mulai berambisi dalam program luar angkasa.

Semenjak China pada tahun 2003 berhasil menjadi negara ketiga di dunia yang menerbangkan manusia ke luar angkasa setelah AS dan Rusia, kini perhatian dunia untuk program luar angkasa nampaknya mulai tertuju ke Asia. Demikian seperti yang dikutip dari The Straits Times, Minggu (10/4/2011).

Pada bulan Oktober 2010, China berhasil meluncurkan satelit bulan Chang’e 2, yang merupakan langkah penting dalam perkembangan dunia astronomi China. Negeri Tirai Bambu tersebut juga berencanan untuk membangun satsiun luar angkasanya sendiri.

“Saat ini negara kami belum ada rencana untuk mendaratkan manusia di bulan, mungkin juga tidak akan terwujud sebelum tahun 2020,” ujar Wu Weiren, Chief Designer dari proyek Chang’e 2.

Program luar angkasa negara China pertama kali diluncurkan pada awal era 90-an. Semenjak itu program tersebut mengalami peningkatan yang pesat.

Apabila negara China menutup diri untuk kerjasama dengan negara lain untuk program luar angkasanya, beda halnya dengannya dengan India.

“India sangat berbeda dengan China untuk program luar angkasanya. Pihak Beijing sangat menutup diri dari pihak luar,” ujar Isabelle Sourbes-Verger, seorang ahli asal Perancis, dalam menanggapi program luar angkasa China.

Killzone 3 DLC Diluncurkan Pekan Depan

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Killzone 3 (gambar:

Killzone 3 (gambar:

CALIFORNIA – Konten untuk diunduh dari game penembak orang-pertama di PlayStation 3, KillZone 3, akan diluncurkan pekan depan, demikian menurut blog resmi PlayStation. 

Game KillZone 3 yang akan diluncurkan tanggal 12 April tersebut menghadirkan dua peta lokasi. Peta Junkyard mengambil lokasi di fasilitas pembuangan barang-barang rongsokan, sementara Stahl Arms adalah sebuah peta lokasi pabrik pembuatan senjata. Demikian seperti yang dikutip dari USA Today, Minggu (10/4/2011).

Killzone 3 DLC akan dijual seharga USD5, akan tetapi pemilik PS3 dan pelanggan PlayStation Plus dapat mengunduhnya secara gratis antara 12 April dan 10 Mei.

Killzone 3 adalah game penembak orang-pertama untuk PlayStation 3, dikembangkan oleh Guerilla Games dan diterbitkan oleh Sony Computer Entertainment.

Killzone 3 adalah seri ke empat dari game Killzone. Diluncurkan pada bulan Februari 2011.

EA: Battlefiled 3 Akan Kalahkan Call of Duty

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Battlefiled 3 (gamer:

Battlefiled 3 (gamer:

CALIFORNIA – CEO dari Electronic Arts, John Riccitieello, mengklaim kalau game Battlefiled 3 akan mengalahkan mengalahkan perolehan pasar dari game Call of Duty.

EA akan meluncurkan Battlefiled 3 pada musim gugur tahun ini. Riccitiello mengatakan kalau game tersebut dibuat untuk mengalahkan game Call of Duty dari kompetitor mereka, Activision. Demikian seperti yang dikutip dari USA Today, Minggu (10/4/2011).

“November ini, kami akan meluncurkan game Battlefiled 3, yang akan mengalahkan game Call Of Duty, yang saat ini merupakan game nomor satu di industri video game. Battlefiled 3 dirancang untuk mengalahkan game yang tahun lalu menghasilkan revenue sebesar USD400 juta pada hari pertama peluncurannya,” ujar Riccitiello.

Call Of Duty mungkin adalah sasaran yang terlalu besar, mengingat tahun lalu Call of Duty: Black Ops meraup USD1 miliar pada enam pekan pertama peluncurannya.

Tapi berdasarkan video trailer yang dikeluarkan oleh pihak pengembang game Battlefiled 3, DICE, game tersebut terlihat cukup menjanjikan.

Google Beli Perusahaan Layanan Mobile Music

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CALIFORNIA – Sebuah laporan menyatakan bahwa Google telah membeli perusahaan mobile-music asal Kanada bernama Pushlife.

Layanan dari Pushlife memungkinkan pengguna iTunes untuk mengsingkronisasikan musik mereka dengan layanan yang ditawarkan platform musik yang memiliki jaringan mobile. Demikian seperti yang dikutip dari Cellular News, Minggu (10/4/2011).

Google dirumorkan mengeluarkan dana sebesar USD25 juta untuk membeli Pushlife, yang mana didirikan oleh bekas pegawai Research In Motion (RIM), Ray Reddy.

Layanan utama yang ditawarkan oleh Pushlife adalah kemampuan untuk mensingkronisasikan perangkat non Apple dengan platform iTunes. Selain itu, Pushlife juga menawarkan layanan ke jaringan mobile yang mampu memungkinkan pengguna untuk mensingkronisasikan sebuah layanan musik dengan layanan jaringan mobile.

Pembelian ini nampaknya semakin memperkuat rumor kalau Google ingin meluncurkan layanan mobile music yang dioptimalkan untuk pengguna Android.

Untuk wilayah Inggris dan Kanada, Pushlife bekerjasama dengan Virgin Mobile.

Apple ‘Bajak’ Eksekutif Nintendo & Activision?

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Kantor pusat Apple Inc (Foto: Google image)

Kantor pusat Apple Inc (Foto: Google image)

CALIFORNIA – Apple dikabarkan telah ‘membajak’ dua eksekutif humas dari raksasa game Nintendo dan Activision guna memastikan posisi iOS sebagai platform game yang dominan.
MCV melaporkan bahwa head of communications Nintendo Inggris Robert Saunders akan meninggalkan perusahaan itu untuk mengisi “sebuah posisi baru di Apple”.
Saunders, yang telah bekerja selama tujuh tahun untuk Nintendo serta berperan dalam kesuksesan Wii dan DS, disinyalir akan fokus menangani aplikasi iPad, iPod dan iPhone. Demikian seperti dilansir Apple Insider, Minggu (10/4/2011).
Bukan hanya Saunders, MCV juga melansir bahwa Apple telah sukses melobi direktur PR Activision dari divisi Eropa, Nick Grange. Seperti halnya Saunders, peran Grange di Apple juga masih sebatas rumor. Namun sejumlah pihak mensinyalir bahwa Grange akan bertanggung jawab menangani perangkat keras iPad.
Apple memang kerap mendekati pengembang game dari perusahaan ternama guna memastikan dominasi perusahaan sebagai salah satu platform game mobile. Pada 2009 lalu, Apple pernah memposting lowongan pekerjaan untuk gamer dengan sertifikasi AAA untuk pengembangan game.
Tahun lalu Apple pun mempekerjakan editor IGN Matt CAsamassina sebagai global editorial games manager untuk App Store.
Strategi ini tampaknya cukup berhasil untuk Apple. Berdasarkan laporan Desember 2010 lalu, smartphone menguasai pasar game mobile dengan pencapaian 43,8 persen. Sementara jumlah game yang dimainkan pada perangkat Nintendo DS dan Sony PlayStation mengalami penurunan sebanyak 13 persen.

Wanita 75 Tahun Lumpuhkan Internet Georgia

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Ilustrasi (gambar:

Ilustrasi (gambar:

TBILISI – Seorang wanita tua di Georgia dituntut penjara tiga tahun karena memutuskan jaringan internet di Georgia dan Armenia.

Tindakan memutuskan jaringan internet di kedua negara tersebut dilakukannya karena menggali dan mengeruk kabel internet di tanah. Demikian seperti yang dikutip dari Business Week, Minggu (10/4/2011).

Pihak berwenang mengatakan bahwa wanita 75 tahun bernama Aiyastan Shakaryan itu memotong sebuah kabel fiberoptik, yang akhirnya memutuskan koneksi internet di Georgia dan Armenia selama beberapa jam. Kable fiberoptik itu sendiri sejalur dengan jalur kereta api di bagian timur Georgia.

Juru bicara Kementerian Georgia, Zurab Gvenetadze, mengatakan bahwa Shakaryan telah dituntut dengan tuduhan pengrusakan properti negara, yang bisa saja dituntut hingga tiga tahun penjara, tapi mungkin ia akan mendapat hukuman yang lebih ringan, mengingat usianya yang sudah uzur.

Sementara Shakaryan sendiri mengatakan kalau ia tidak bersalah.

Jaringan kabel fiberoptik sepanjang 600 km di Georgia milik dari Georgian Railway Telecoms, yang merupakan cabang dari perusahaan kereta api di negara tersebut.

Di sisi lain, Irma Stepnadze, juru bicara dari Aiyastan Shakaryan, mengatakan bahwa kabel-kabel tersebut dijaga dengan keamanan ketat, sehingga tidak memungkinkan bagi Shakaryan untuk memotongnya.

Philadelphia Phillies

Philadelphia Phillies, (CNN) – He spoke as would any proud grandfather, telling stories about how his little girl dress, how she would care for her brother and how she can tip a baseball bat. “It would be the first major league gal,” Dallas Green. He knows, as he was the manager of the Philadelphia Phillies when they won the World Series in 1980.

“This little girl woke up many people and we just miss the hell out of it.” Green said outside the site Phillies spring training in Clearwater, Fla., Wednesday. The grand-son, he speaks with such pride is about Christina Green, who was killed in Tucson, Arizona last month with five other people while attending a political event. She was 9 years old.

“She embodied what is good about children, she wanted to be a little girl,” said Green.

Green, now senior adviser for the Phillies, has struggled at times when speaking of Christina, who called Princess.

Since the day he started as a right-handed Philadelphia Phillies in 1960, Dallas Green has always maintained a tough guy image.

Standing 6-5 and 200 pounds, Green became the Phillies manager, then general manager of the Chicago Cubs. He is overcome difficult moments, but nothing could prepare him for what he would suffer on January 8 when his 9-year granddaughter Christina Taylor Green was one of 19 shot and six people were killed during a neighborhood meeting in Tucson Gabrielle Giffords Congressman ‘constituents.

“This little girl woke up many people. We just miss her camp, said Green; speaking publicly for the first time Wednesday at the headquarters Phillies spring training. “I’m supposed to be a sucker difficult, but I’m not very difficult when it comes to that.”

The Phillies got out of their way to ensure that Green could keep his sunglasses. Knowing that there might be tears, they moved outside the scrum. But Green, 76, wearing a mock turtleneck, green windbreaker and tasseled loafers kept his composure throughout most of 20 minutes.

He said he was his son (a scout for the Los Angeles Dodgers) John, daughter-son and grandson right Roxanna, Dallas, who felt the weight of tragedy.

He expressed a hint of anger and frustration, not directly to the alleged abuser Loughner Jared Lee, but the system that allows weapons like the Glock 19 that were used in the Tucson fire to fall into the wrong hands.

“I do not know anything (good) can really come of it,” Green said. “We just talked about life in the United States and how important it is that is still the best country to live in

(CP) – Dallas Green could not hold back his tears behind his manager dark sunglasses. The metal mount no-nonsense who led the Philadelphia Phillies to their first World Series title in 1980 choked a few times, as talked about the shooting death of his grand-daughter of nine years.

“You know, I’m supposed to be a sucker hard,” Green said Wednesday, “but I’m not fussy when it comes to that.”

Standing behind a field of practice for small Phillies’ spring training complex, Green spoke to reporters for nearly 20 minutes. He thanked everyone for their support, apologized for not returning phone calls and reflected on the memory of the little girl he called his “princess.”

Christina Taylor Green was among six people killed in a shootout on Jan. 8 in Tucson, Arizona, outside a supermarket, where a neighbor had taken her Arizona Rep. Gabrielle Giffords to meet, which was seriously injured.

“She embodied what is good about children, and that is good to grow in the U.S.,” said Green. “She wanted desperately to be a little girl who loved doing what she did. Clearly her interest in politics and go to this function, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, hit a large number of people hard.

“May God bless the lady who took her? It took three balls and tried to protect Christina. Unable to do so. But it was just a wonderful person for the family and Christina. I will never forget. I know she’s going through her own hell, but it should not. Christina does not want and want to be a part of that. They were friends as much as a friend could be in collaboration with the age difference. We extend our best obviously, always. ”

Green, a senior adviser to Phillies general manager Ruben Amaro, Jr., lost 478 games in eight years managing Philadelphia, New York Yankees and New York Mets. Nothing could compare to the loss.

“It was a wonderful little girl,” said Green. “We will miss him desperately.”

Born hours after the tragedy on September 11, 2001, Christina Taylor was a budding politician. She had just been elected student council as a third grader’s elementary school. His level of maturity showed in how she cared for her brother 11 years, Dallas has a form of autism.

“It was a very special young lady, probably older than her age,” said Green. “She and her brother were very close. Christina was the mother as much as Roxanna was a little Dallas. It makes he got on the right bus, made sure he got to karate classes on time. ”

Christina was athletic, of course. Baseball was in her genes. His grandfather started in the majors before becoming a manager. His father, John Green, is a scout for the Dodgers in Los Angeles. Christina was the only daughter of her team of Little League Baseball.

“Christina was the star of her team, if you talk to him about it,” Green said. “She said she was the daughter of the first major league. It is nine years. She was very good. I saw her swing the bat a few times. John said she is not a bad little player for nine years. ”

Green has never considered skipping spring training. Baseball is a welcome distraction and is a little therapeutic while he, his wife, Sylvia, and the rest of the family to cope with this tragedy.

“Dallas has a strong personality. It’s a strong man. I’m sure it’s really difficult for him,” Phillies manager Charlie Manuel said. “I think staying busy and staying focused and things like that, it certainly helps. It’s something that occupies your time. But the time will certainly need help. But I’m sure it’s something that never forgets. ”

Jared Loughner is accused in federal court in the shooting. Green hopes that the senseless murder of awareness on the issue of gun control.

“You hope that there would be some understanding that there are madmen in this world and I guess the only thing I can not pass through my mind, although I am a fighter and I like to and I take my arms, I’m not a Glock or anything or a magazine with 33 bullets in it, “said Green.” It makes no sense for me be able to sell this stuff. I guess I never thought until this happened and what reason is there to have this kind of firearms other than killing people.

“I do not understand that.”

Copyright © 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.

Auburn Trees Poisoned

Auburn Trees Poisoned, Auburn University has shown that less than 24 hours after confirmation of the poisoning of two trees on the historic campus of the school, police arrested a man and charged him in connection with the poisoning. At a news conference Thursday morning, representatives of the College, said Harvey Almorn Updyke, 62, of Dadeville, AL was arrested and charged with criminal mischief in connection with the poisoning of trees in Auburn History Corner Toomer is. Updyke lasts and 50,000 bonds.

School officials said they learned of the poisoning January 27, when a caller Paul Finebaum radio show in Birmingham said he had asked the herbicide called ah Spike80 DF in the soil around trees 130 years. The herbicide is commonly used to kill trees and brush. University officials said they had found lethal amounts in the soil around the trees at Toomer Corner is.

The caller to the Finebaum radio show identified himself as “Al Dadeville,” and said a week after the Iron Bowl football game between Auburn and Alabama, he drove to Auburn and poisoned the trees.

Auburn President Jay Gogue has issued a statement saying the school took all possible options to save trees.

“We will take all possible measures to save the oaks Toomer, who has been home to countless festivals and symbol of the spirit for Auburn Auburn generations of students, fans, alumni and the community,” the statement said.

AP) – A man of 62 years Dadeville was arrested in connection with the poisoning of trees in the historic Toomer Corner Oak Auburn University.

A spokeswoman for the Bureau County Sheriff Lee Harvey said Almorn Updyke Jr. was arrested early Thursday morning and charged with one count of first-degree criminal mischief.

Bond was set at $ 50,000. If convicted, could face an Updyke to 10 years in prison.

A man claiming to be “Al Dadeville” phoned a radio show last month, saying it pays herbicide around the 130-year-old oak trees are the scene of celebrations after sporting victories at Auburn.

Copyright © 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.